07/12/18 Arts & Culture , Australia , Diaspora & Travel , Society & Politics # , , , , , , , , , , , ,

From Hegel to the Cold War: Asian-Century Orientalism and International Students in Australia

From Hegel to the Cold War: Asian-Century Orientalism and International Students in Australia

By Maria Elena Indelicato


Australia has been at the forefront of international education. It is at her shores that internationalisation as a fully-fledged policy was first introduced in the global reality of higher education in 1992. Significantly, the then Minister for Employment, Education and Training, Kim Beazley, launched the policy to counter the overseas criticism that Australia’s approach to international education ‘was too narrowly commercial.’ The birth of internationalisation is in fact tied to the commercialisation of higher education in the late 1980s, when Australian universities and colleges were allowed to provide full-cost courses designed for international students. Since then, academic and grey policy-oriented studies which try to determine international students’ market choices and needs have proliferated, leaving very little room to discuss issues surrounding the presence of international students in Australia otherwise. Discourses of economic necessity have thus overdetermined the ways in which we think of, talk about and, ultimately, relate to international students at academic and policy levels.


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10/10/18 Arts & Culture , Australia , Diaspora & Travel , Society & Politics # , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Decoupling artistic excellence and whiteness

Decoupling artistic excellence and whiteness

By Roanna Gonsalves


[This text was presented upon invitation, as a speech at ‘Voice, Agency, and Integrity – Diversity and Inclusion in the Arts’, the launch of the Beyond Tick Boxes report by Diversity Arts Australia, Riverside Theatre, Parramatta, on Friday, Oct 5, 2018.]


Good afternoon everyone. I was going to title this talk “What polyamory can teach us about the Australian arts landscape”, but, I thought, ‘it’s not the right moment yet’.

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23/08/18 Arts & Culture , Australia , Diaspora & Travel , Society & Politics # , , , , , , , ,

Peddling my wares

Peddling my wares

By Rashida Murphy


These days I write the word ‘writer’ on forms that ask me what I do. I know I’ve earned it. I am that person – a published novelist. Publication has changed the way I view my profession. The secret is out. I can own it. Even when I’m questioned and occasionally challenged. ‘What do you write?’ is the inevitable question and these days I have an answer. Sometimes that answer – fiction, is followed by another question – what sort? This leads to conversations, which in most part are educational, entertaining or informative. I may hear the idea of a story I really ought to write or I may be asked to read 500 pages of this story they wrote when their dad was a lad during the war. Of course, everyone knows someone who writes and surely, as a writer I must know them too. Occasionally the conversation turns to my ability to speak English so well, the colour of my skin and my good fortune that Australia allows me to do whatever I want to. Because in Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Fiji or wherever I come from, opportunities for women are so limited, you know, because they don’t even let women drive there.


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13/05/18 Arts & Culture , Diaspora & Travel , Society & Politics # , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

A Ministry, a Garden, a God

A Ministry, a Garden, a God

By Rashida Murphy


I read a lot of books. For research mainly, or so I tell others and myself but also for pleasure, for comfort and to know myself better. I read fabulous books and ordinary ones, heartbreaking books and healing ones, smart books and hilarious ones, and I have a system of shelving these in idiosyncratic ways. I give away a lot of books too, sometimes because I can’t stand to have them in my house and sometimes because I realise guiltily I have multiple copies I don’t need. And I rarely loan them out. I’m sure the ones that I do loan to very special friends burn in their hands until they return them. The bibliotaph’s burden. We all have something to carry, do we not?

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25/04/18 Arts & Culture , Australia , Diaspora & Travel , Society & Politics # , , , , , , , , , , ,

Letter to the High Commissioner of India in Australia re “Zero tolerance after Asifa”

This is the text of the letter addressed to the High Commissioner of India in Australia, the representative of the Indian Government in Australia. The letter was delivered in person to the Consulates of India in Sydney and Melbourne on Monday, April 23, 2018. The full text of the letter is reproduced below. The letter was signed by 102 concerned and prominent Australian and Indian-Australian writers, artists, musicians, theatre practitioners and academics, many of whom are Indian citizens and Overseas Citizens of India, and who have ongoing connections with India.

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12/04/18 Arts & Culture , Australia , Diaspora & Travel , Society & Politics # , , , , , , , , , , ,

Cultural Knowledge

Cultural Knowledge

By  Rashida Murphy


Such a loaded term – cultural knowledge – coming as it does with its own set of expectations and hints of secrets. When I try to unpack it a little, I think about how knowledge differs from appropriation and what the keepers of cultural knowledge can do to protect themselves from stealth and theft. And the answer is – very little. We live in times of exchange and borrowings and slippages and it is hard to skid to a stop, metaphorically speaking, and say – ‘You have gone too far.’

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30/03/18 Arts & Culture , Australia , Diaspora & Travel , Society & Politics # ,

Welcome to our new Guest Contributor, Rashida Murphy

Welcome to our new Guest Contributor, Rashida Murphy

Southern Crossings is thrilled to announce that the brilliant Rashida Murphy will be joining us as our new Guest Contributor for the next few months.

Rashida Murphy has published short fiction and poetry in various international journals and anthologies, including Westerly, Open Road Review and Veils Halos and Shackles. Her novel, The Historian’s Daughter was shortlisted in the Dundee International Book Prize and published by UWA Publishing in 2016. She was Writer-In-Residence at the Katherine Susannah Prichard Writers Centre in 2017 and is currently an Adjunct at Edith Cowan University in Perth. Recently, her short story, Strands of Jupiter, was shortlisted in the Newcastle Short Story Prize. Her essays and stories are forthcoming in Landscapes Journal, Red Hen Anthology and an anthology to be published by Orient Longman later this year.

We are honoured that she has joined us in our aim to collectively reimagine Australia, South Asia, and the world. We can’t wait to read her new work in Southern Crossings.


Read more about her here

Buy The Historian’s Daughter at all good bookshops, and here


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31/12/17 Arts & Culture , Australia , Diaspora & Travel # , , , , ,

Coming home to curious creatures

Coming home to curious creatures

By Ruchira Talukdar


I live close to the Yarra, along one of its many bends, which is also home to a colony of flying foxes. The long evenings at this time of the year offer the perfect opportunity to gaze at these curious creatures as they take off on their nocturnal sojourns.

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22/11/17 Arts & Culture

Southern Crossings’ end-of-year catch-up

Southern Crossings’ end-of-year catch-up

Join us at our end-of-year catch-up with new and old friends, colleagues, allies, collaborators and co-conspirators. All welcome, including kids.

Date: Saturday, December 2, 2017

Time: 6:30 pm onwards

Place: The Henson, 91 Illawarra Rd, Marrickville NSW 2204 Ph: +61 2 9569 5858 .

For an indication of the cost of food and drink see


Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

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16/11/17 Arts & Culture , Australia , Diaspora & Travel , Society & Politics # , , , , , ,

The Onion Of Gay Identity and Dr. Seuss

The Onion Of Gay Identity and Dr. Seuss

By Mayank Teria


Imagine a tense spring in a pinball machine, all coiled up and compacted, rearing to go. That’s what your body feels like, a pinball trigger, when you’re in the closet. That is what my body felt like when I was in the closet.

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